Tuesday, 30 August 2011

A Shopping List For The Modern Era

Hello once again! As I've mentioned before, I am a poet. Admittedly, I don't think I'm a great one, but hey, I'll leave the judgement to you!

This poem is my annual entry into a competition that I completely adore, the SLAMbassador UK championship. Check them out!

A Shopping List For The Modern Era

Sainsburys: Try something new today

TV meals, 4.99
To raise the kids that you leave behind

Diet pills, £15
To take your self esteem off the ground

2L of Cheap Alcohol
To fill the void left in your soul

10 X Sticky Plaster
To cover the holes in your happily ever after

3 Cans of black spraypaint
To write your eulogy on the walls of the estate

A bottle of Aspirin
To make the pain go away

A kitchen knife
For the games you play

You were served by Rachel

Have a nice day.


Thank you for reading my little poem! Now, I've been reliably informed by friends, that that poem is pretty sad, so, to counteract that, here's a kitten!;
Say it with me folks; Awwwwwwwwwww 

But, cute animals aside, tell me what you think of this in the comments, I'd love to hear what you thought of it! 

And don't forget to tune in next time, where I'll be talking about computers, soldering, and gadgetry galore!

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